5 Reasons Why You Should Be Scheduling Tweets

Social media can be a huge timesuck for anyone, but for those who use it not just for work, it can take up an inordinate amount of time. Sure, promoting your music releases online and accruing fans is incredibly important, but it can’t be all you do, because if it is…when are you making the music you’re supposed to be pushing?

One trick to help you save some time when it comes to social media for musicians is to schedule posts ahead of when you want them to come out. These items can be related to the drop of a song, video, or album, new merchandise, announcements or reminders regarding concerts, or even just fun things you’d like to share with the world.

If you’ve never considered scheduling posts for social media–Twitter in particular, for the sake of this article–let’s go over why it’s such a great idea.

In This Article:

  • No More Worries
  • Knock Out Your Promotional Plan
  • Consistency Is Key
  • Focus On Other Things
  • Why Not?


No More Worries

For many people, social media is often on their minds. Whether they simply enjoy scrolling, love the interaction, make friends online, or need to use these platforms to promote themselves or something they’re doing creatively, sites like Twitter are too often taking up real estate in a person’s mind, and anytime that can be alleviated, it’s a good thing.

Scheduling content to post in advance means you no longer need to worry whether you’re active, if it’s been too long before you’ve said anything, or if you’re properly promoting a show, song, or album release.

If you’re ready to promote your music online, let Planetary help!

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Knock Out Your Promotional Plan

 Every time you have a piece of content or anything to promote, really – a song, a music video, an album, new merch, or upcoming concerts – you should build a promotional campaign around it. Don’t just share one announcement on social media, because that surely won’t be enough. Create content for all platforms that let everyone know something is coming, that it’s arrived, and then to remind everyone to go consume or buy whatever it is you’re pushing.

While you won’t be able to do this with every social media site, on Twitter, you can schedule your entire promotional plan at once. Take whatever content you’ve made for this sole purpose and set the days and times you want it to go live and forget about it! You can knock out your entire effort at once this way.

Twitter even has its own scheduler that’s free to use called Tweetdeck. There are plenty of other options out there, but this is one of the most popular, and easiest to use, as it was built by the same company. 


Consistency Is Key

One of the best ways to ensure you successfully promote your music on social media is to post consistently. There are a lot of thoughts regarding what that means and plenty of people have ideas about how often you should post on various platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, but we won’t dive into any of that at the moment (though it’s worth investigating if you’re trying to improve your social game).

Ensuring that you never let too much time pass between uploads is vital to staying in people’s feeds. This may sound superficial, but the better your content performs on social media, and the more people looking at your page regularly, the better your career. You’ll have a larger audience to promote your music, merch, and shows to, and they’ll actually see the content, whereas most of the things people post on the internet simply go ignored.

Need help with your social media management? We’ve got you covered.


Focus On Other Things

Scheduling content in advance of it going live allows you to spend more of your time focusing on other things. Sure, social media is important to your growing a career as a musician, but it is still only a small part of what you do as a working creative. You have so many other activities that require your time, thoughts, and effort, that anytime you can make something easier, faster, or simpler, you should do so!


Why Not?

If you’ve never tried scheduling social media content ahead of its release, you should! There are a number of platforms you can use, and they take just moments to learn. You may find that you want to make these tools an integral part of your promotional strategy, you might decide to utilize them from time to time when necessary, or perhaps not at all.

But there’s no reason not to give them a try! Do some research into the best, cheapest, and most popular Twitter scheduling programs, and go for it! Also, check out our article on what to post on Twitter as a musician!