When you are trying to develop a career in the music industry, you can’t just focus on one outlet, you have to plug into them all. The Planetary staff knows how to plug you in with radio promotions, online promotions, consulting, international, and event and festival promotions.
Radio Promo
We develop a campaign that targets the most appropriate outlets for your release. We solicit these stations for airplay and feedback for your release in addition to setting up radio interviews in your touring markets wherever possible.
Online Promo
Radio may be alive and kicking, but you can’t forget that our world is all-online. By running effective and concentrated online promotions we have helped our clients reach their audiences easier and faster.
Part of being in the music business is working with the press. We offer an ongoing media training to teach you how to turn every press opportunity into an opportunity to get your music out there.
It’s the dream of almost every artist to perform across the stages of the world. We’ve been there, and its great! So let us work with you to bring your career to all corners of the globe.
Event / Festival Promo
Music events and festivals are not just a blast to go to, but also are a great way to get your music and career out there for thousands of people to hear. We work to plug you into music events and festivals all across the globe.