Music Director: Andrea (Dre) Castillo of KVNF radio

Planetary Group recently took some time to get to know Dre Costello, the music director of KVNF, the beloved mountain grown Community Radio Station in North Fork Valley, CO.


Planetary Group: Tell us about how you got involved at KVNF and how that experience has impacted you?

Dre: I initially got hired at KVNF in 2022 selling underwriting announcements and coordinating events. I started this position as MD earlier this year in January, 2024. Big shoutout to Candy Pennetta for trusting me after serving as KVNF’s MD for over 35 years! She is such a wonderful person and mentor. I’ve had some big shoes to fill but it felt really good to have her blessing when I transferred into this position. 

Working at KVNF has impacted me in more ways than I could say. It’s been rewarding and so much fun too. I have grown immensely both personally and professionally since I started. I truly believe in radio and everything this industry stands for. Working here constantly leaves me feeling inspired and motivated with hopes to make a meaningful impact with the work that I do.

PG: Do you have a favorite artist or album you never get tired of listening to?

Dre: So this is changing constantly, but if I had to go by what I’m feeling right now, I would say my favorite artists are Jungle, for when I want to dance or rollerskate and King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard. King Gizzard is probably my desert island band if I had to make a choice.

PG: How did you get your start in the music industry?

Dre: I didn’t know that a career in this industry could be obtainable for me until I discovered community radio when I moved to Colorado. Volunteering and DJing at my local community radio station (KDNK in Carbondale, CO) is really what helped me get my foot in the door. Because of that, I was able to meet a lot of wonderful people who guided me in this direction.

I always knew I wanted to be involved with music in some capacity for as long as I can remember, so DJing and getting involved in radio felt like the most natural thing to do when the opportunity arose. I have been collecting music since I was a little kid. Music has always held space for me. So it really is a dream to work in an industry that involves the two things I love the most: music and people. 

PG: What event or person in your life would you say has shaped you the most as a person? A music curator?

Dre: An event that was really pivotal for me was my first music festival, Lightning in a Bottle, 2015. At that time, I was still trying to figure out who I was and where I fit in the world. The whole festival experience altered my perspective completely not only on music but on people too. There was this mass array and diversity of art, expression and music. Experiencing that transformed my view on the world, making me feel more optimistic and purposeful. When I came back from it, I made a lot of changes with myself and how I wanted to move forward in my life. 

PG: What in your life brings you the most joy?

Dre: Friendship, nature, food and music. Put them all together and you have paradise on earth in my opinion. Where there’s good music and good food, you’ll find good people. Throw some mountains and a body of water in the scene and there lies a perfect moment. I think that’s why I eventually found myself in Colorado after growing up in Southern California.

PG: Do you have any favorite TV shows, movies, or books you’re enjoying you’d currently recommend?

Dre: The last book I read was “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow” by Gabrielle Zevin. It’s a story about love in all its forms and the complexities of both platonic and romantic relationships. I felt that the story did a really good job at representing the ebbs and flows of connecting with people throughout life and how they make a lasting impact.

PG: And finally, are there any concerts you are looking forward to happening in the near future?

Dre: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard at Red Rocks in September, Poolside at the Belly Up in Aspen in August!

No one else lined up yet but hopefully more than just that!



Vinyl or Digital?


Dogs, Cats or Both?


Morning or Night?


City or Country?


Beach or Mountains?


TV or Book?


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LA or NYC?


Sunny or Rainy?
